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  • Establishment means: Native
  • Lifeforms: Plants

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Showing 1 - 20 of 24 results
  1. Callitriche aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  2. Erophila verna var. verna sensu Stace

    Variety, Flowering plant

  3. Genista lydia

    Species, Flowering plant

  4. Hieracium aggregatum Backh. f. – Aggregate-headed Hawkweed

    Microspecies, Flowering plant

  5. Hypericum pulchrum forma pulchrum

    Form, Flowering plant

  6. Limonium britannicum celticum var. pharense

    Variety, Flowering plant

  7. Limonium paradoxum var. paradoxum

    Variety, Flowering plant

  8. Limonium procerum procerum var. hibernicum

    Variety, Flowering plant

  9. Limonium procerum procerum var. medium

    Variety, Flowering plant

  10. Limonium recurvum humile var. donegalense

    Variety, Flowering plant

  11. Lolium perenne agg.

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  12. Mimulus aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  13. Mimulus cupreus Dombrain

    Species, Flowering plant

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  14. Oenothera aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  15. Polypodium interjectum Shivas – Intermediate Polypody

    Species, Fern

    Llawredynen Rymus, Llawredynen Ganolig

  16. Pyrus L. – Pyrus Species

    Genus, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  17. Ranunculus (Batrachium)

    Subgenus, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  18. Rosa arvensis x caesia vosagiaca

    Species hybrid, Flowering plant

  19. Salicornia aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  20. Salix caprea x cinerea x phylicifolia (S. x ludibunda)

    Species hybrid, Flowering plant