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- Insects (146)
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- terrestrial (146)
- freshwater (1)
Abax parallelus non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Acanthoscelides obtectus – Dried Bean Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Common Bean Weevil, American Seed Beetle
Adota maritima non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Agrilus planipennis – Emerald Ash Borer non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Species list: NRW Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Alphitobius diaperinus – Lesser Mealworm Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Leser Mealworm Beetle
Alphitobius laevigatus – Black Fungus Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Altica carduorum non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Amara cursitans non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Anoplophora chinensis – Citrus Longhorn Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland
Species list: Invasive Species Northern Ireland
Anoplophora glabripennis – Asian Longhorn Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Species list: NRW Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Anthrenocerus australis – Australian Carpet Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Anthrenus coloratus non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Anthrenus flavidus non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Anthrenus flavipes – Furniture Carpet Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Anthrenus oceanicus non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Anthrenus olgae non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Anthrenus scrophulariae – Common Carpet Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Araecerus fasciculatus – Cacao Weevil non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Coffee Bean Weevil, Coffee Weevil, Nutmeg Weevil
Atheta harwoodi non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Attagenus brunneus non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial