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  • Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
  1. Bugula neritina (Linnaeus, 1758) non-native

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  2. Bugulina fulva (Ryland, 1960)

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  3. Bugulina simplex (Hincks, 1886) non-native

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  4. Bugulina stolonifera (Ryland, 1960) non-native

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  5. Fenestrulina delicia Winston, Hayward & Craig, 2000

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  6. Schizoporella errata (Waters, 1878) non-native

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG Alarm species

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

    Species list: WFD UKTAG 2015 Alien Species Alarm list

  7. Tricellaria inopinata d'Hondt & Occhipinti Ambrogi, 1985 non-native

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  8. Watersipora subatra (Ortmann, 1890) non-native

    Species, Bryozoan, Marine

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: MSFD - UK priority species

    Species list: UK Marine priority NIS list (2020)

    Species list: Wales Marine Priority INNS

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

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