Refine results
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Synonym matches
Exclude synonym matchesWFD UKTAG region
- England, Scotland, Wales (9)
- Ireland (3)
- Reserve list (1)
- Crustaceans (66)
- Insects (11)
- Spiders and allies (1)
Taxon group
- crustacean (66)
- insect - beetle (Coleoptera) (4)
- insect - hymenopteran (4)
- insect - moth (3)
- sea spider (Pycnogonida) (1)
Establishment means
- Non-native (61)
- Native (17)
- marine (51)
- terrestrial (38)
- freshwater (31)
Acartia (Acanthacartia) tonsa non-native
Species, Crustacean, Marine, terrestrial
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: MSFD - UK priority species
Species list: UK Marine priority NIS list (2020)
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Achtheres percarum non-native
Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, marine, terrestrial
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Agrilus planipennis – Emerald Ash Borer non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Species list: NRW Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Ammothea hilgendorfi non-native
Species, Sea spider (Pycnogonida), Marine
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Genus, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Amphibalanus amphitrite non-native
Species, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: MSFD - UK priority species
Species list: UK Marine priority NIS list (2020)
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Wales Marine Priority INNS
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Anoplophora chinensis – Citrus Longhorn Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland
Species list: Invasive Species Northern Ireland
Anoplophora glabripennis – Asian Longhorn Beetle non-native
Species, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Terrestrial
Species list: NRW Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Astacus astacus – Noble Crayfish non-native
Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, terrestrial
Species list: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Schedule 9 (GB)
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland
Astacus leptodactylus – Turkish Crayfish non-native
Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, terrestrial
Species list: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Schedule 9 (GB)
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland
Austrominius modestus non-native
Species, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Balanus trigonus
Species, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Bombus terrestris subsp. terrestris
Subspecies, Insect - hymenopteran, Terrestrial
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland
Brachynotus sexdentatus non-native
Species, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Caecidotea communis non-native
Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, marine, terrestrial
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Callinectes sapidus – Blue Crab non-native
Species, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Cameraria ohridella – Horse-Chestnut Leaf-miner non-native
Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland
Caprella mutica – Japanese Skeleton Shrimp non-native
Species, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: MSFD - UK priority species
Species list: UK Marine priority NIS list (2020)
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Wales Marine Priority INNS
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland
Cercopagis pengoi – Fishhook Waterflea non-native
Species, Crustacean, Marine
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG Alarm species
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland
Species list: WFD UKTAG 2015 Alien Species Alarm list
Species list: WFD UKTAG 2015 Alien Species Alarm list
Species list: Invasive Species Northern Ireland
Chelicorophium curvispinum non-native
Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, marine, terrestrial
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact
Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland