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  • WFD UKTAG impact: Unknown

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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results
  1. Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869 non-native

    Species, Bony fish (Actinopterygii), Freshwater, marine, terrestrial

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  2. Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt & Ratzeburg, 1833

    Species, Bony fish (Actinopterygii), Marine, terrestrial

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  3. Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828

    Species, Bony fish (Actinopterygii), Marine, terrestrial

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  4. Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758 non-native

    Species, Bony fish (Actinopterygii), Freshwater, marine, terrestrial

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  5. Leucaspius delineatus (Heckel, 1843) – Sunbleak non-native

    Species, Bony fish (Actinopterygii), Freshwater, terrestrial

    Belica, Motherless Minnow

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  6. Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782) – Bitterling non-native

    Species, Bony fish (Actinopterygii), Freshwater, terrestrial

    Chwerwod, Chwerwyn

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

  7. Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1814) – Brook Charr non-native

    Species, Bony fish (Actinopterygii), Freshwater, terrestrial

    Speckled Charr, Char, American Brook Trout, Brook Trout, Torgoch Afon, Torgochiaid Afon

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

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