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  • Lifeforms: Plants

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Showing 1 - 20 of 28 results
  1. Berberis aggregata C.K. Schneid. – Clustered Barberry non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Pren Melyn Clystyrog

  2. Betula pubescens/pendula

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  3. Callitriche aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  4. Conifer seedlings/saplings

    Species aggregate, Conifer, Terrestrial

  5. Elodea canadensis/nutallii

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Species list: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Schedule 9 (GB)

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

  6. Hieracium aggregatum Backh. f. – Aggregate-headed Hawkweed

    Microspecies, Flowering plant

  7. Hieracium attenboroughianum T.C.G. Rich

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  8. Juncus alpinoarticulatus subsp. rariflorus (Hartm.) Holub

    Subspecies, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  9. Juncus inflexus/effusus/conglomeratus

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  10. Mimulus L. – Monkeyflower Species non-native

    Genus, Flowering plant, Freshwater, terrestrial


  11. Mimulus aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  12. Oenothera aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  13. Orthotrichum cambrense Bosanquet et F. Lara

    Species, Moss, Terrestrial

  14. Polygala serpyllifolia/vulgaris

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  15. Pseudoturritis turrita (L.) Al-Shehbaz – Tower Cress non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Tower Rock-Cress, Berwr-y-Cerrig Tyrog, Berwr Tyrrog

  16. Pyrus L. – Pyrus Species

    Genus, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  17. Ranunculus spp. (water-crowfoots)

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  18. Rumex crispus/obtusifolius

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  19. Salicornia aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  20. Sorbus cambrensis M.C.F. Proctor – Welsh Whitebeam

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial