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- Birds (43)
Establishment means
- Native (35)
- Non-native (8)
- terrestrial (14)
Genus, Bird
Aegolius funereus – Tengmalm's Owl
Species, Bird
Boreal Owl
Aegolius funereus funereus
Subspecies, Bird
Asio – Long/Short-Eared Owl
Genus, Bird
Asio flammeus – Short-eared Owl
Species, Bird
Tylluan Glustiog, Tylluanod Clustiog, comhachag chluasach, comhachagan cluasach
Species list: Northern Ireland Priority Species
Species list: Northern Ireland Environment Agency - Sensitive species Northern Ireland
Asio flammeus flammeus
Subspecies, Bird
Asio otus – Long-eared Owl
Species, Bird
Tylluan Gorniog, Tylluanod Corniog, comhachag adharcach, comhachagan adharcach
Asio otus otus
Subspecies, Bird
Genus, Bird, Terrestrial
Athene noctua – Little Owl non-native
Species, Bird, Terrestrial
Tylluan Fach, Tylluanod Bach, comhachag bheag, comhachagan beaga
Athene noctua vidalii
Subspecies, Bird
Genus, Bird, Terrestrial
Bubo africanus – Spotted Eagle-Owl non-native
Species, Bird, Terrestrial
Bubo bengalensis – Indian Eagle-Owl non-native
Species, Bird, Terrestrial
Bubo bubo – Eurasian Eagle-Owl non-native
Species, Bird, Terrestrial
Eurasian Eagle Owl, Eagle Owl, cailleachan-oidhche, cailleach-oidhche mhòr, comhachag mhòr, comhachagan mòra
Species list: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Schedule 9 (GB)
Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022
Bubo magellanicus – Lesser Horned Owl non-native
Species, Bird, Terrestrial
Bubo scandiacus – Snowy Owl
Species, Bird
Tylluan yr Eira, Tylluanod yr Eira, comhachag bhàn, comhachagan bàna
Bubo virginianus – Great Horned Owl non-native
Species, Bird, Terrestrial
Genus, Bird
Glaucidium passerinum – Eurasian Pygmy Owl
Species, Bird