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  • Taxon group: flowering plant

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Showing 1 - 15 of 15 results
  1. Berberis aggregata C.K. Schneid. – Clustered Barberry non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Pren Melyn Clystyrog

  2. Callitriche aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  3. Elodea canadensis/nutallii – Canadian Waterweed / Nuttall's Waterweed

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Species list: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Schedule 9 (GB)

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

  4. Hieracium aggregatum Backh. f. – Aggregate-headed Hawkweed

    Microspecies, Flowering plant

  5. Juncus acutiflorus/articulatus

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  6. Mimulus L. – Monkeyflower Species non-native

    Genus, Flowering plant, Freshwater, terrestrial


  7. Mimulus aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  8. Neottia cordata (L.) Rich. – Lesser Twayblade

    Species, Flowering plant

    Ceneirian Bach, Caineirian Bach, Ceineirian Bach, Caineirianau Bach

  9. Oenothera aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  10. Pyrus L. – Pyrus Species

    Genus, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  11. Salicornia aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

  12. Sorbus intermedia agg. – Swedish Whitebeam (aggregate)

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

    Cerddinen Sweden (Cyfansawdd)

  13. Spiraea aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  14. Ulex gallii/minor – Western Gorse / Dwarf Gorse

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

  15. Ulmus aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant

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