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  • Taxon group: terrestrial mammal

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Showing 1 - 20 of 20 results
  1. Lutra Brisson, 1762

    Genus, Terrestrial mammal, Marine, terrestrial

  2. Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) – Otter

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Freshwater, marine, terrestrial

    Eurasian Otter, European Otter, Dyfrgi, Dyfrgwn, biastan-dubha, biast-dhubh, dòbhrain, dòbhran

    Species list: Northern Ireland Priority Species

    Species list: Northern Ireland Environment Agency - Sensitive species Northern Ireland

  3. Martes Pinel, 1792

    Genus, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  4. Martes martes (Linnaeus, 1758) – Pine Marten

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

    Bele, Beleod, taghain, taghan

    Species list: Northern Ireland Priority Species

  5. Meles Boddaert, 1785

    Genus, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  6. Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758) – Badger

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

    Eurasian Badger, Moch Daear, Mochyn Daear, strianach, strianaichean, broc, bruic

    Species list: Northern Ireland Environment Agency - Sensitive species Northern Ireland

  7. Mustela Linnaeus, 1758

    Genus, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  8. Mustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758 – Stoat

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

    Carlwm, Carlymod, neas, neasan

  9. Mustela erminea subsp. erminea Linnaeus, 1758 – Stoat

    Subspecies, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  10. Mustela erminea subsp. hibernica (Thomas & Barrett-Hamilton, 1895) – Irish Stoat

    Subspecies, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  11. Mustela erminea/nivalis

    Species aggregate, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  12. Mustela furo x putorius – Polecat-Ferret

    Species hybrid, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  13. Mustela lutreola (Linnaeus, 1761)

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Freshwater, terrestrial

  14. Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 – Weasel

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

    Bronwen, Bronwennod, neas bheag (boireann), neasan beaga

  15. Mustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758 – Polecat

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

    Ffwlbart, Ffwlbartod, taghan, taghanan, feòcallain, feòcallan

  16. Mustela putorius subsp. furo Linnaeus, 1758 – Ferret non-native

    Subspecies, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

    Feral Ferret, Ffuret, Ffureti, fearaid, fearaidean

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

    Species list: Invasive Species Northern Ireland

  17. Mustela putorius/furo agg. – Polecat/Ferret/hybrid

    Species aggregate, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  18. Mustelidae Fischer, 1817

    Family, Terrestrial mammal, Marine, terrestrial

  19. Neovison Baryshnikov & Abramov, 1997

    Genus, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  20. Neovison vison (Schreber, 1777) – American Mink non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Freshwater, terrestrial

    Mink, Minc, Mincod, mionc, mioncaichean

    Species list: Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Schedule 9 (GB)

    Species list: INNS - Wales Priority Species for Action

    Species list: NRW Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)

    Species list: INNS of Interest to Wales June 2022

    Species list: Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland

    Species list: INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland

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