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Synonym matches
Exclude synonym matchesSpecies list
- Northern Ireland Priority Species (7)
- Non-native species of interest to Northern Ireland (4)
- WFD UKTAG aquatic alien species impact (4)
- INNS Alert list for Northern Ireland (2)
- GB NNSS Alert species (1)
- Plants (221)
Taxon group
- flowering plant (221)
Establishment means
- Native (185)
- Non-native (36)
- terrestrial (65)
- freshwater (52)
Anagallis – Pimpernel
Genus, Flowering plant, Freshwater, terrestrial
Anagallis arvensis – Scarlet Pimpernel
Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial
Coch y Tywydd, Diwythl Fedi, Oriawr y Bugail, Llysiau'r Cryman, Awrlais y Dyn Tlawd, Llys y Cryman, Brathlys, Brathlys Gwryw, Gwlydd Mair, Gwlyddyn Mair Gwryw
Anagallis arvensis arvensis azurea
Subspecies, Flowering plant
Anagallis arvensis arvensis carnea
Subspecies, Flowering plant
Anagallis arvensis arvensis lilacina
Subspecies, Flowering plant
Anagallis arvensis arvensis pallida
Subspecies, Flowering plant
Anagallis arvensis arvensis viridiflora
Subspecies, Flowering plant
Anagallis arvensis subsp. arvensis – Scarlet Pimpernel
Subspecies, Flowering plant
Anagallis arvensis subsp. foemina – Blue Pimpernel non-native
Subspecies, Flowering plant, Terrestrial
Anagallis monelli – Garden Pimpernel
Species, Flowering plant
Anagallis tenella – Bog Pimpernel
Species, Flowering plant, Freshwater
Brathlys Wridog y Gors, Gwlyddyn-Mair y Gors, Gwlyddyn Mair y Gors, Gwlydd Mair y Gors
Anagallis x doerfleri
Species hybrid, Flowering plant
Genus, Flowering plant
Andromeda polifolia – Bog-rosemary
Species, Flowering plant, Freshwater
Rhosus Mair, Ysbwynwydd, Andromeda, Andromeda'r Gors, Rhosmari Gwyllt, Greigros y Gors, Rhosmair Gwyllt
Species list: Northern Ireland Priority Species
Genus, Flowering plant
Androsace maxima – Annual Androsace
Species, Flowering plant
Genus, Flowering plant
Arbutus unedo – Strawberry-tree
Species, Flowering plant
Strawberry Tree, Mefusbren-Nau, Mefysbren, Mefusbrennau
Arbutus unedo x andrachne = A. x andrachnoides – Hybrid Strawberry-tree
Species hybrid, Flowering plant
Genus, Flowering plant